Source code for karrot.reporters.controllers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 :synopsis: Reporter Blueprint

 Reporter endpoint of the application

import structlog
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, current_app as app

logger = structlog.get_logger()

# Define a blueprint
reporters = Blueprint("reporters", __name__, url_prefix="/reporters")

# http://<hostname>/metrics endpoint
[docs]@reporters.route("/", defaults={"reporter": None}, methods=["GET"]) @reporters.route("/<reporter>", methods=["GET"]) def display(reporter): """ Returns a simple JSON with the current application reporters. :param str reporter: If provided returns details about this reporter only :returns: json -- A JSON with the following format: ``{"reporters": ["reporter1", "reporter2"]}`` """ logger.debug(f"{reporter}") data = {"reporters": []} for key, val in app.config["REPORTERS"].items(): if reporter == key: data["reporters"].append( { f"{key}": { "last_event_timestamp": val._last_event_ts, "last_event": val._event, } } ) if reporter is None: data["reporters"].append(key) return jsonify(data)