Source code for karrot.reporters.cloudwatch.models

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import sys
import datetime
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError, ParamValidationError, NoCredentialsError

from structlog import get_logger
from flask import current_app as app
from prometheus_client import Counter

from karrot.reporters.models import Reporter
from karrot.reporters.cloudwatch.utils import assumed_session

logger = get_logger(__name__)

    "Number of calls made to Cloudwatch",
    labelnames=["reporter", "status"],

[docs]class CloudwatchReporter(Reporter): def __init__(self, name): super().__init__(name) iam_role = app.config["KARROT_IAM_ROLE"] try: if iam_role is not None:"Assuming IAM role", role=iam_role) self._client = assumed_session( role_arn=iam_role, session_name="karrot" ).client("cloudwatch") else: self._client = boto3.client("cloudwatch")"Initialized boto client successfully") except (ClientError, ParamValidationError, NoCredentialsError) as e: logger.exception("Cloudn't initialize boto client", error=str(e)) self._metrics = [] self._namespace = app.config["KARROT_CLOUDWATCH_NAMESPACE"] self._flush_interval = datetime.timedelta( seconds=int(app.config["KARROT_CLOUDWATCH_INTERVAL"]) ) self._last_flush_ts = - self._flush_interval
[docs] def process(self, event): super().process(event) self._collect_lag_handler() self.stats(self)
[docs] def stats(self, reporter): pass
def _collect_lag_handler(self): metric_name = self._metrics.append( { "MetricName": metric_name, "Value": self._event.Result.totallag, "Timestamp": datetime.datetime.utcnow(), } ) self._flush_lag_metrics() def _flush_lag_metrics(self, force=False): flush_max_size = 30000 # In bytes should_flush = False # Flush only when there are metrics if len(self._metrics) > 0: # Check the flush interval to determine if a flush should happen or not now = if now > (self._last_flush_ts + self._flush_interval): logger.debug( "Flush triggered as flush interval has been reached", now=now, prev=self._last_flush_ts, ) should_flush = True # Check if the payload is getting close to the request size limit (40Kb) if sys.getsizeof(self._metrics) >= flush_max_size: logger.debug( "Flush triggered as payload size has been reached", size=sys.getsizeof(self._metrics), limit=30000, ) should_flush = True # If metrics array has 20 elements a flush must be triggered if len(self._metrics) == 20: logger.debug( "Flush triggered as MetricData cannot contain more than 20 metrics", size=len(self._metrics), ) should_flush = True # Forced flushed if needed if force: should_flush = True if should_flush: try: self._client.put_metric_data( MetricData=self._metrics, Namespace=self._namespace ) "Lag has been reported to Cloudwatch", count=len(self._metrics) ) CLOUDWATCH_API_CALLS_COUNT.labels( reporter=self._name, status="success" ).inc() self._last_flush_ts = self._metrics = [] except NoCredentialsError: logger.exception( "Could not find AWS credentials. " "Karrot will exit as it cannot report metrics to Cloudwatch" ) sys.exit(1) except Exception: logger.exception("Lag could not be reported to cloudwatch") CLOUDWATCH_API_CALLS_COUNT.labels( reporter=self._name, status="error" ).inc()