Source code for karrot.config.controllers

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

 :synopsis: Configuration Blueprint

 Configuration endpoint for the application

import structlog

# Import flask dependencies
from flask import Blueprint, jsonify, current_app as app

logger = structlog.get_logger()

# Define a blueprint
config = Blueprint("config", __name__, url_prefix="/config")

[docs]@config.route("", methods=["GET"]) def display(): """ Returns a simple JSON string with the current application configuration. :returns: json -- A JSON with the following format: ``{"status": "success", "settings": "{...}"}`` """ logger.debug("Hit on /config endpoint") settings = { key: app.config[key] for key in app.config.keys() if key.startswith("KARROT_") } return jsonify(status="success", config=settings)